About the campaign
On January 6, 2025, Chris and I will climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania for Breakfast Club of Canada. Also known as the “roof of Africa”, Kili is one of the seven peaks in the world standing at an altitude of 6000 m or 19,341'!
Although being in good physical shape is of great importance on the mountain, resilience and positivity must also be present. During this 8 day expedition, we will cross 5 different climate zones leading us to the final effort during the night of day 7 to reach Uhuru peak at sunrise.
This adventure is not just a dream and personal challenge; it is also a chance to give, to thank life and to make a difference. 1 in 3 children are at risk of going to school on an empty stomach! Join us to reduce this number. Our goal is $1 for each metre of Kili, or $6,000.
Cora restaurants, my employer for several years, fully supports us in our project. Since 2008, the company has partnered with the Breakfast Club to help provide schoolchildren with a nutritious breakfast so they can start their day off right. We all share the same concerns about the well-being and education of young children across the country. Cora restaurants have therefore decided to match the value of donations received up to $5,000!
Embark with us on this adventure to make a difference for children! Thank you for your valuable support.
You can follow our preparations and training on Facebook.
Suzan & Chris
Congrats !!!!
Go ! Enjoy !
On a hâte de vous suivre pendant que vous relevez ce granddéfi et bravo pour votre belle initiative avec le Club des petits Déjeuners!
Bonne chance a vous 2! ca va être malade comme expérience! en plus d'aider les enfants à se mettre quelque chose sous la dent :) bravo pour l'Initiative
Go Suzan ! Un beau projet, vraiment fière de ma collègue!
Inspirant!!! Bravo
Bravo pour votre implication !
Bonne expédition!
Projet super Suzan et Chris et excellente initiative d'aider les enfants! Bonne chance dans votre projet et surtout profitez-en et amusez-vous!
Félicitations pour ce beau défi que vous vous êtes donnés, Susan et Chris! Bravo aussi pour les sous qui seront amassés pour les enfants dans le besoin!
Best of luck you 2!! Enjoy the ride